Tip: For orders over 59,- EUR we offer free shipping (DE)!
Organic Cornflakes Original, 375 g
Organic Spelt Flakes, 250 g
Organic Cornflakes, 250 g
Organic Spelt Pops, 170 g
Organic Spelt Flakes unsweetened BIOLAND, 250 g
Organic Cornflakes without salt and sugar, 250 g
Bauck Hof
Organic Choco Hedgehog Oats gluten-free, 225 g
Organic Oat Pops Gluten-Free, 150 g
Pukka tea
Coffee & espresso
Soy, rice, almond, oat drinks
Pasta & noodles
Pesto & Bruschetta
Chips, nuts & seeds
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*(Minimum order value: 59,- EUR, cancellation possible at any time)