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The strongest from nature: Superfoods provide nutrients and vital substances in the highest concentration and with the best organic availability. If they also come from organic farming, they are hard to beat. At ALLBIO, everyone will find their favorite superfoods.

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  • Bio Pure Superfruits Mix, 40 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Pure Superfruits Mix, 40 g

    €199 €49,75/kg
  • Bio Chia Samen, 450 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Chia Seeds, 450 g

    €699 €15,53/kg
  • Bio Chia Samen, 210 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Chia Seeds, 210 g

    €499 €23,76/kg
  • Bio Aroniabeeren, getrocknet, 200 g - YOGISHOP

    Aronia Original

    Organic Aronia berries, dried, 200 g

    €599 €29,95/kg
  • Bio Chia Samen, 200 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Chia Seeds, 200 g

    €399 €19,95/kg
  • Bio Mandelprotein, 170 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Almond Protein, 170 g

    €999 €58,76/kg
  • Bio Hagebuttenpulver, 220 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic rosehip powder, 220 g

    €950 €43,18/kg
  • Bio Heimische Superfoods, 400 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Local Superfoods, 400 g

    €3450 €86,25/kg
  • Bio Sonnenblumenprotein, 210 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Sunflower Protein, 210 g

    €799 €38,05/kg
  • Bio Heimische Superfoods, 70 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Local Superfoods, 70 g

    €1150 €164,29/kg
  • Bio Weizenkeimprotein, 130 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic wheat germ protein, 130 g

    €499 €38,38/kg
  • Bio Moringa Pulver, 200 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Moringa Powder, 200 g

    €1999 €99,95/kg
  • Bio Grünkohl Pulver, 175 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Kale Powder, 175 g

    €1190 €68,00/kg
  • Bio Cashew Mehl, 90 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Cashew Flour, 90 g

    €999 €111,00/kg
  • Govinda

    Organic Acacia Fiber, 100 g

  • Bio Moon Milk selection, 30 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Moon Milk selection, 30 g

    €749 €249,67/kg

Superfoods: a persistent and healthy trend

Superfoods have become a trend for several years now and are still gaining in popularity. This ongoing trend is to be welcomed, as superfoods can clearly make a good contribution to a conscious and healthy lifestyle. With their optimal cocktail of vital substances (superfoods are characterized, for example, by a particularly high content of secondary plant substances that are valuable for health), superfoods are true gifts from nature and represent a helpful addition to the daily diet, which is particularly welcome in stressful and demanding times. In recent years, more and more superfoods have come into focus and their remarkable potential has gradually been recognized in its entirety (see below for information on various superfoods). With their high concentration of antioxidants and vital substances, these foods are indeed something special.

Why organic superfoods?

Superfoods are natural foods and owe their unique potential to nature alone. To ensure the highest possible naturalness in cultivation, the organic version is recommended - of course! Organic superfoods are basically super-superfoods...

Organic Superfoods to Drink: Green Smoothies

Green smoothies were at the beginning of the superfood trend and are still an important part of it. Smoothies combine different superfoods and are prepared in a way that not only promises a tasty result, but also optimally preserves the ingredients (such as fiber). Mixes for green smoothies are of course part of our range in the organic superfoods area.

Organic Superfoods for Natural Power: Vegan Protein

People who train a lot or are otherwise physically active have an increased need for protein. It is often pointed out how important it is for vegetarians and vegans in particular to ensure they have an adequate protein intake. But fortunately, a good supply of plant-based protein is no problem at all! With the help of particularly protein-rich superfoods, it is easy to provide the body with enough protein - and digestible, plant-based protein at that.

More Superfoods from A to Z

Vitamin C, iron and folic acid are just some of the valuable ingredients that are contained in high concentrations in the small berries, which originally come from America but are now also native to Europe. Organic aronia berries are part of our dried fruit range.

Camu Camu
Camu Camu is a berry from the Amazon region that has a particularly high vitamin C content. This superfood also contains plenty of secondary plant substances and zinc. Organic superfood products made from Camu Camu are a great way to give your body a boost of antioxidants!

Chia seeds have recently become very popular and are particularly valued for their high content of omega-3 fatty acids, iron and calcium, but also for their high protein content and their high soluble fiber content. Chia seeds are therefore a superfood in many ways. Thanks to the fiber provided by chia, digestion can also be supported.

Goji berries are literally on everyone's lips and are of course part of our organic superfood range. The bright red berries, which have an impressively high density of nutrients and vital substances, are, among other things, excellent sources of iron and supply the body with antioxidants, meaning they can counteract oxidative stress.

hemp seeds
Hemp seeds have an anti-inflammatory effect thanks to the gamma-linolenic acid they contain. In addition, eating hemp seeds also has an anti-oxidative effect. An exciting superfood!

Kale is one of the newer superfoods - in the sense that the potential of this actually very old food from the cabbage family (Brassica oleracea) is only now being fully recognized. Kale is low in calories, but contains high amounts of vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin E, folic acid and manganese. Kale is particularly interesting as a superfood because vitamin K is relatively unknown compared to other vitamins, as this vitamin is rarely found elsewhere in this concentration. Vitamin K is important for blood clotting and bone formation, among other things.

The Maca root, which comes from South America, is a popular superfood because it contains more than 60 different vital substances. It is traditionally considered an aphrodisiac. Anyone who learns about Maca will discover many other interesting things about this superfood.

Moringa, originally from the Himalayas, provides calcium, potassium, iron, vitamin A and vitamin C, among other things. It is said to contain over 90 nutrients in total. Moringa is therefore considered one of the top superfoods. Moringa seeds have also been used by aid organizations in the fight against malnutrition.

raw cocoa
The botanical name of cocoa, the Greek word Theobroma, means "food of the gods". Even for the Maya, the cocoa plant was of divine origin. They are said to have even worshipped a cocoa god, Ek Chuah. The cocoa bean also played a special role for the Aztecs. For a long time, it was important for us as a base for chocolate - and thus stood more for enjoyment than for health-promoting aspects. However, people are now becoming increasingly aware of the formidable superfood properties of this ancient food: "The positive effects are due in particular to the antioxidant properties of cocoa, because raw cocoa contains not only magnesium, calcium and fiber, but also particularly valuable antioxidants such as polyphenols and flavonoids," writes the well-known food blogger Hannah Frey in an article that appeared in the magazine YOGA AKTUELL. The organic raw cocoa products from our superfood range are therefore a great tip!

Spirulina belongs to the group of cyanobacteria, which emerged 3.5 billion years ago and are the mothers of chlorophyll. They were the first green creatures on earth - the first creatures that were able to unite with solar energy and use it for the wonderful process of photosynthesis. Spirulina has a strong alkaline effect and a high protein content. This superfood also contains all essential fatty and amino acids as well as numerous enzymes, vitamins and minerals and - not to forget - the rare gamma-linolenic acid (cf. hemp seeds).

Wheatgrass has an extremely high protein content - at around 24%, it is more than eight times as high as that of cow's milk and twice as high as the protein content of chicken eggs. Dr. Earp-Thomas from the Bloomingfield Laboratory in New Jersey identified a total of over a hundred valuable nutrients in wheatgrass, including vitamins A, C, E, K and the nerve vitamins from the B group, even the very rare vitamin B12. He also identified 14 important minerals in it, such as zinc and selenium. With a chlorophyll content of around 10 µg/g, wheatgrass is also one of the plants with the highest chlorophyll content. An excellent superfood - available from us in organic quality!

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