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Everything a perfect antipasti table needs: At ALLBIO you will find selected organic antipasti of the highest quality. True to the motto: Before things really get started, things start well.

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  • Bio Gigantes Riesenbohnen in Tomatensauce, 230 g - YOGISHOP


    Bio Gigantes giant beans in tomato sauce, 230 g

    €269 €11,70/kg
  • Bio Dolmas, Weinblätter gefüllt mit Reis, 280 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Dolmas, vine leaves stuffed with rice, 280 g

    €499 €17,82/kg
  • Bio Tomaten getrocknet in Olivenöl, 120 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic tomatoes dried in olive oil, 120 g

    €449 €37,42/kg
  • Bio Artischockenherzen in Olivenöl, 120 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic artichoke hearts in olive oil, 120 g

    €599 €49,92/kg
  • Bio Capperi sott'aceto, Kapern in Essig, 150 g - YOGISHOP


    Bio Capperi sott'aceto, capers in vinegar, 150 g

    €295 €32,78/kg
  • Bio Oliven-Würzpaste, 120 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Olive Seasoning Paste, 120 g

    €399 €33,25/kg
  • Bio Tomaten getrocknet und gewürfelt, 100 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic tomatoes dried and diced, 100 g

    €349 €34,90/kg
  • Bio Tomaten getrocknet, 100 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic dried tomatoes, 100 g

    €349 €34,90/kg
  • Bio Kapern in Olivenöl, 120 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic capers in olive oil, 120 g

    €499 €41,58/kg
  • Bio Peperoni, mild, in Lake, 270 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic pepperoni, mild, in brine, 270 g

    €299 €26,00/kg
  • Bio Peperoni grigliati, Paprika gegrillt in Olivenöl, 280 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Peperoni grigliati, peppers grilled in olive oil, 280 g

    €695 €24,82/kg
  • Bio Peperoncini dolci, milde Peperoni, 270 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Peperoncini dolci, mild peppers, 270 g

    €395 €32,92/kg
  • Bio Carciofini sott'olio, Artischocken in Olivenöl, 280 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Carciofini sott'olio, artichokes in olive oil, 280 g

    €945 €33,75/kg
  • Bio Crema di carciofi, Artischockencreme, 180 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Crema di carciofi, artichoke cream, 180 g

    €595 €33,06/kg
  • Bio Kapernäpfel in feinem Essig-Sud, 180 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic capers in fine vinegar broth, 180 g

    €349 €36,74/kg
  • Bio Antipasto rosso piccante in Olivenöl, 180 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic antipasto rosso piccante in olive oil, 180 g

    €645 €35,83/kg

Organic antipasti for enjoyment from the start

Simple and sophisticated at the same time: the delicious antipasti from Italian cuisine also have countless fans in this country. Originally intended as starters, they can also be enjoyed as a full meal Sun-ripened olives and peppers, tender artichoke hearts, pickled Eggplants and numerous other culinary delicacies promise healthy enjoyment, which is a successful start to every beautiful meal and a great overture, especially for a convivial meal with family and friends to an extended and joyful get-together. Even in the In the culinary tradition of many other countries there are equivalents to Antipasti – the Turkish mezze or the Spanish tapas are These delicious appetizers are also suitable Excellent for buffets or as snacks when you are enjoying a drinking a glass of wine.

Our organic antipasti come from top organic producers and are just the thing for everyone who likes spicy little delicacies want to pamper yourself.

Organic antipasti with zucchini

Zucchini are a fabulous vegetable that almost everyone mag – the delicate plant from the pumpkin family is versatile in the kitchen usable and can be combined with many different flavors. LaSelva, the renowned Italian organic producer with exquisite Assortment, we have various zucchini antipasti in stock: grilled Zucchini in olive oil and zucchini in vegetable sauce.

Organic antipasti with eggplants

Eggplants are excellent antipasti because the fleshy Vegetables absorb oil excellently and have a distinctively tender consistency. Whether grilled and marinated in high-quality oil or as a light variant in Vegetable sauce – organic eggplants are always delicious antipasti. A special tip is the delicious eggplant cream from LaSelva.

organic antipasti with tomatoes

Dried tomatoes are also typical antipasti – aromatic and ripened under the southern sun, they bring a lot of flavor and bring a lot of natural spice to the antipasti table. In ALLBIO’s antipasti range includes dried organic tomatoes as well as semi-dried organic tomatoes, optionally also pickled in oil.

organic antipasti with peppers

A little spiciness is always good for an antipasti selection good, because it stimulates the appetite and a small Flavor fireworks as a prelude to the dishes to come. Pepperoni bring this spiciness to the antipasti table in a delicious way and should therefore not be missing in any arrangement. The excellent Italian Organic producer LaSelva mixes peppers in his antipasti creations, for example with Paprika.

Organic antipasti with asparagus

Asparagus is always a delicacy. With its unique Taste it delights us during the asparagus season and in high-quality preserves you can also enjoy it outside of this time. The organic asparagus cream from LaSelva is a particularly fine way to enjoy asparagus at any time of year. It looks good on any antipasti board and brings a mild note which balances out the spicier organic antipasti and goes wonderfully with They harmonize well with each other. Simply place it on a piece of ciabatta, on another delicious Spread on bread or an organic cracker... heavenly!

Organic antipasti with olives

Olives are an absolute classic among antipasti. The healthy oil fruits represent the Mediterranean cuisine like no other Food and have become a symbol of Mediterranean enjoyment, for which they always form a fundamental element. Olives delight with their incomparable, spicy note every gourmet and are in organic quality simply unbeatable – and above all, indispensable as an ingredient for the anti-pasti table! If you choose only one type of antipasti, Many people would probably choose olives. Available at ALLBIO are the delicious organic olive cream and the delicious and intense olive seasoning paste of the Italian organic producer LaSelva.

stuffed organic vine leaves

Many people know stuffed vine leaves from their holidays in Greece and from Turkey – or even from your favorite Greek restaurant around the corner. Since they (too right!) are so popular, we have included them in our antipasti range included, even if it is the only speciality in this category not Italian. In any case, they also stand for uncomplicated Mediterranean enjoyment and can easily be added to any antipasti arrangement Organic dolmas from Rapunzel are always a delicious Seduction.

Organic antipasti with capers

Capers are small but fine and very flavourful: The small, still closed buds of the caper bush, which is almost the entire Mediterranean region, have it all and give a lot of spicy Arom. This makes them an interesting ingredient for a delicious Antipasti selection. ALLBIO's range includes organic capers in vinegar and organic capers in olive oil from LaSelva.

Organic antipasti with pumpkin

Pumpkin may seem unusual to many as an antipasti sound, but upon closer inspection, the popular autumn vegetable turns out as even downright predestined for an antipasti table. Grilled Organic pumpkin in olive oil, for example, is a real treat!

Organic antipasti with paprika

Fruity peppers, preferably with a slightly spicy note, are always a delicacy. Of course, they are also among the Vegetables that taste great grilled. LaSelva, the Organic producer from whom we purchase numerous delicacies for our Italian range produces excellent pepper antipasti, which we offer to our customers You definitely don’t want to miss out on this. You should also try the organic paprika cream Antipasti fans must try it.

Organic antipasti with artichokes

Artichoke hearts are one of the delicacies that, with their mild and but at the same time spicy note one delicious appetizer – light and digestible and easy wonderful! By the way, artichokes are often used for their health benefits because they support the function of liver and bile. They can also help to digest heavy foods better and are therefore a highly recommended combination with rich dishes. Organic artichokes in olive oil, either from Rapunzel or from LaSelva, are part of our organic antipasti range. We also carry delicious artichoke cream – enjoyed on fresh bread, also excellent as antipasti!

organic antipasti use in a variety of ways

Traditionally, an anti-pasti selection comes as a starter on the table. But of course there are many other possibilities, Organic antipasti. As already mentioned, you can also use them as Serve as a snack with alcoholic drinks, enrich a buffet or Organic antipasti together with a good bread can also be a full meal Of course, you can also use it to prepare a variety of dishes enhance – for example, you can serve several antipasti very well as a side dish, also with warm dishes and in combination with other side dishes such as rice. Antipasti are not only popular in their wide range of variations, but also diverse in terms of their possible applications!

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