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Backen & Dessert

Baking & dessert

For organic baking and sweet enjoyment: In this category you will find everything you need for all kinds of baked goods and delicious organic desserts. The best organic ingredients for everyone who loves baking and/or snacking!

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Baking with organic: Ingredients from A to Z

Organic is natural not only in cooking, but also in baking Trump! Whether it’s fragrant, fresh bread, a sweet yeast plait, a juicy cake, an artistic cake or cookies in all imaginable variations – the There are no limits to organic baking. For all those who like to bake with lots of enthusiasm, Imagination and enthusiasm in the kitchen and trying out new recipes or revive traditional classics, ALLBIO offers organic ingredients in fantastic quality. This means that every baked good turns out particularly well and easily.

Basic ingredients from organic farming such as organic flour, organic milk and organic oils can be found under the categories “Vinegar & Oil”, “Dairy Products” or “Grains & Pulses”. In addition, vegan Egg substitute, cocoa butter and coconut oil are also available. The following baking-specific ingredients are housed:

Small but important:
Our section for baking with organic includes important little helpers like yeast, cream of tartar, organic cornstarch, gelatin, agar Agar, locust bean gum, arrowroot starch, organic fruit gel and organic cream stabilizer. With these proven natural additives, the desired Consistency achieved. This applies not only to baking, but also for desserts such as fruit jellies, “Wackelpeter”, fruit jellies and other well-known desserts.

To refine:
Typical baking ingredients such as vanilla sugar (see also below: natural sweeteners), orange oil, candied orange peel, coconut flakes or Organic barberries are also a must in the kitchen and add flavor to baked goods as well as desserts the finishing touch or the famous icing on the cake... They are, as the saying goes, “the cherry on top”! With these organic ingredients Organic can be implemented consistently even in the smallest details, because even on As we all know, that's what matters.

Organic sweetener: sugar, Stevia, honey, syrup and much more

The sweetness of life should not be missed when baking. missing and makes desserts what they are. In addition to the “conventional” There are many other natural sweeteners available besides beet sugar, such as such as honey or stevia or, for example, the increasingly popular coconut blossom sugar. In addition to organic honey, organic stevia (also available as a fluid) and In addition to organic coconut blossom sugar, we also offer organic birch sugar in our range and organic date sugar. Of course, organic raw cane sugar is also available, which we in different varieties and from different manufacturers. Furthermore Of course we have organic vanilla sugar in our range for baking. Organic honey and organic syrups form a separate subcategory, as we also have a large have a selection in the assortment.

“It is not only quantity that plays an important role in sweetness Role, but just as important is the quality with which we give our body the Sweeten your life”, says the article “Sweeten your life – honey, syrup & Co” (Author: Doris Iding, Source: Magazine “YOGA AKTUELL”). About honey writes the author: “In contrast to sugar, which is a so-called empty energy carrier Honey brings all accompanying substances such as enzymes, minerals, Vitamins, organic acids, etc., which are necessary for metabolism When exchanging honey for sugar, it should be noted that the The sweetening power of honey is stronger than that of sugar. This means that you need less needed."

No question, honey (and especially organic honey) is a wonderful gift from nature, and it We can only hope that the bee colonies to whom we owe this and who represent such a wonderful species on this planet, despite all the threats they face will persist for a long time to come.
The article already cited also addresses raw cane sugar: “If When sugar cane syrup is centrifuged, it produces crystallized, easily moist cane sugar.

The common The names for this are raw cane sugar or Mereara. Mineral and Vitamin content in cane sugar is quite high compared to other sweeteners. high because whole cane sugar still contains many of the ingredients of sugar cane."
An interesting product is also the recently mentioned date sugar. Dates are one of the oldest cultivated plants in the humanity. Nevertheless, date sugar is currently something of an insider tip.

All of the natural sweeteners listed above, which each have their own advantages and characteristics and also each bring their own taste, there is still a lot that could be said – but ultimately it always remains a personal preference and the It is up to the individual’s taste and perception to decide which organic sweetener he gives preference.

Organic desserts: pudding and more...

What would a meal be without dessert? Sometimes that The best is only at the end, and so it is sometimes when at the end a great menu and a delicious organic dessert comes to the table.

If you take a look at the ALLBIO range, you will find puddings of the finest, which you could eat your fill of alone: ​​The wonderful Organic semolina pudding from Bauckhof, for example, tastes like it came from grandmother’s times and can be made into a true “poem” with fresh berries in no time With organic pudding powder in chocolate and vanilla flavors, also the brands Rapunzel and byodo pudding enjoyment for do-it-yourself in Organic quality. And last but not least we have the organic raw pudding from Simply Raw, where raw foodists also get their money's worth. This unique Organic pudding is available in Banana & Cocoa, Apple & Cinnamon and Matcha available and has true superfood qualities.
But pudding is not the only thing that our range of delicious organic desserts to offer. Also panna cotta or – have you tried it yet? – Ayurvedic pancake mixes are also on the menu. Organic soy desserts from Provamel are a hit that we have ready for our customers have.

Baking, Desserts “Conjure up”, enjoy... no problem with organic!

The wide variety of ingredients and products for organic baking and for the preparation of various desserts from puddings and creams to fruit compotes to the most unusual sweet creations quickly makes it clear that you don't have to miss out on anything with organic food - everything is in abundance present and invites you to try new things again and again and enjoy every to reinvent the day.

In the organic bakery and the numerous organic products around Of course, there is also plenty of choice for vegans when it comes to sweets and desserts – from From vegan egg substitutes to plant-based gelatin alternatives, everything is Find what you need for vegan organic baking or vegan desserts.
ALLBIO’s range of baked goods and desserts is a feast for all those who like swing the wooden spoon and the whisk and always enjoy sophisticated Remove delicacies from the baking tray.

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