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Special offers

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  • Bio Currysauce Tikka Masala, 320 ml - YOGISHOP
    €0,38 off


    Organic Curry Sauce Tikka Masala, 320 ml

    €341 €379 €10,66/l
  • Bio Kräutersalz mit 15% Kräutern & Gemüse, 125 g - YOGISHOP
    €0,60 off


    Organic herbal salt with 15% herbs & vegetables, 125 g

    €139 €199 €11,12/kg
  • Testerset Deutschlandis(s)tvegan, 469 g - YOGISHOP
    €3,35 off


    Tester set Deutschlandis(s)tvegan, 469 g

    €1861 €2196 €39,68/kg
  • 3x Bio Emotional Clarity Teemischung, 96 g - YOGISHOP
    €0,22 off

    Hari Tea

    3x Organic Emotional Clarity tea blend, 96 g

    €875 €897 €91,15/kg
  • 3x Bio Rose & Hibiskus Teemischung, 60 g - YOGISHOP
    €0,22 off

    Hari Tea

    3x Organic Rose & Hibiscus Tea Blend, 60 g

    €1175 €1197 €195,83/kg
  • €0,70 off

    Lisas Chips

    Bio Lisa's Kettle Chips Rosemary and Sea Salt, 125 g

    €259 €329 €20,72/kg
  • Bio Konjak-Reis, 270 g - YOGISHOP
    €0,20 off


    Organic Konjac Rice, 270 g

    €279 €299 €13,95/kg
  • €0,70 off

    Lisas Chips

    Bio Lisa's Kettle Chips Sour Cream, 125 g

    €259 €329
  • Aroma Thermoduftstein Simply Silent - YOGISHOP
    €3,69 off


    Aroma thermal scent stone Simply Silent

    €3321 €3690 €33,21/St.
  • Bio Yogamatten-Reiniger 5 x 50 ml in der Schmuckverpackung - YOGISHOP
    €2,00 off


    Organic Yoga Mat Cleaner 5 x 50 ml in the jewelry packaging

    €1995 €2195 €79,80/l

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