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Fisch & Meeresfrüchte

Fish & seafood

Fish and seafood from selected organic suppliers

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  • Bio Zarte Heringsfiltes in Bio-Tomatencreme mit Tomatenstückchen, 200 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic tender herring fillets in organic tomato cream with tomato pieces, 200 g

    €369 €18,45/kg
  • Heller Thunfisch naturell (konv. Anbau), 120 g - YOGISHOP


    Light tuna natural (conventional cultivation), 120 g

    €369 €41,00/kg
  • Bio Thunfisch hell in Olivenöl, 120 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic light tuna in olive oil, 120 g

    €379 €31,58/kg
  • Bio Sardinen klein in Olivenöl, 120 g - YOGISHOP

    Pan Do Mar

    Organic small sardines in olive oil, 120 g

    €349 €29,08/kg
  • Bio Bücklingsfilets in Bio Sonnenblumenöl, 190 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic bloater fillets in organic sunflower oil, 190 g

    €379 €19,95/kg
  • Bio Thunfisch hell in Sonnenblumenöl, 120 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic light tuna in sunflower oil, 120 g

    €329 €27,42/kg
  • Bio Miesmuscheln in Marinade, 115 g - YOGISHOP

    Pan Do Mar

    Organic Mussels in Marinade, 115 g

    €449 €39,04/kg
  • Bio Tintenfischstücke in Bio-Olivenöl, 120 g - YOGISHOP

    Pan Do Mar

    Organic squid pieces in organic olive oil, 120 g

    €429 €35,75/kg
  • Bio Miesmuscheln in würziger Marinade, 120 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic mussels in spicy marinade, 120 g

    €349 €29,08/kg
  • Bio Sardellenfilets in Bio-Olivenöl, 50 g - YOGISHOP

    Pan Do Mar

    Organic anchovy fillets in organic olive oil, 50 g

    €439 €87,80/kg
Fish for light, protein-rich cuisine - you can find these basic foods at ALL-BIO.
Fish and seafood are staple foods for many people and should be of the highest quality. Order organic fish and experience the strong taste of organic seafood, enjoy fish specialties from Ökoland and try fish that tastes as delicious as if it were freshly caught. You can also get seafood from us.

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