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Glutenfreie Bio-Lebensmittel

Gluten-free organic foods

Gluten-free organic foods offer you natural enjoyment without gluten and the highest organic quality. Ideal for a conscious diet and for those with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Discover our diverse selection for a healthy lifestyle.

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  • Bio Konjak-Reis, 270 g - YOGISHOP
    €0,20 off


    Organic Konjac Rice, 270 g

    €279 €299 €13,95/kg
  • Bio Minzige Chlorella Teemischung, 34 g - YOGISHOP

    Yogi Tea

    Organic Minty Chlorella Tea Blend, 34 g

    €339 €99,71/kg
  • Bio Für die Sinne - Süße Träume Teemischung, 35,7 g - YOGISHOP

    Yogi Tea

    Organic For the Senses - Sweet Dreams Tea Blend, 35.7 g

    €329 €92,16/kg
  • Bio Für die Sinne - Pures Glück Teemischung, 37,4 g - YOGISHOP

    Yogi Tea

    Organic For the Senses - Pure Happiness Tea Blend, 37.4 g

    €329 €87,97/kg
  • Bio Seelenbalsam Teemischung, 32,3 g - YOGISHOP

    Yogi Tea

    Organic Soul Balm Tea Blend, 32.3 g

    €329 €101,86/kg
  • Bio Chlorella Presslinge, 180 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Chlorella pellets, 180 g

    €3499 €194,39/kg
  • Bio Erdmandel-Frühstücks-Bowl "Chufli Chia", 500 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Tiger Nut Breakfast Bowl "Chufli Chia", 500 g

    €779 €15,58/kg
  • Bio Weiße Cannellini Bohnen, 400 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic White Cannellini Beans, 400 g

    €179 €7,46/kg
  • Bio Baked Beans in der Dose, weiße Bohnen in Tomatensauce, 400 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Baked Beans in a can, white beans in tomato sauce, 400 g

    €229 €5,73/kg
  • Bio Olivenöl & Chili, 100ml - YOGISHOP

    Bio Planète Ölmühle Moog SAS

    Organic Olive Oil & Chili, 100ml

    €599 €59,90/l
  • Bio Wieder gut: Frosch im Hals Bonbons, 50 g - YOGISHOP


    Bio Wieder gut: Frosch im Hals Bonbons, 50 g

    €269 €53,80/kg
  • Bio Kokos-Mandeldrink, 1 l - YOGISHOP


    Organic Coconut-Almond Drink, 1 l

    €379 €3,79/l
  • Bio Misosuppe mit Frühlingszwiebeln, 4x10 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Miso Soup with Spring Onions, 4x10 g

    €499 €124,75/kg
  • Bio Cashewkerne ganz, 500 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic cashews whole, 500 g

    €1499 €29,98/kg
  • Bio Ananasstücke in eigenem Saft, 685 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic pineapple pieces in their own juice, 685 g

    €569 €14,05/kg
  • Bio Oliven gemischt mit Kräutern, ohne Stein, geölt, 170 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic olives mixed with herbs, pitted, oiled, 170 g

    €499 €29,35/kg
  • Bio Paprika edelsüß, 50 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic sweet paprika, 50 g

    €279 €55,80/kg
  • Bio Thai-Curry leicht scharf, 150 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Thai curry slightly spicy, 150 g

    €339 €22,60/kg
  • Bio Tomaten Ketchup ohne Kristallzucker, 500 ml - YOGISHOP


    Organic Tomato Ketchup without granulated sugar, 500 ml

    €399 €7,98/l
  • Bio Für die Sinne - Natürliches Wohlgefühl Teemischung, 34 g - YOGISHOP

    Yogi Tea

    Organic For the Senses - Natural Well-Being Tea Blend, 34 g

    €329 €96,76/kg
  • Bio Basic Dal Masala, 25 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Basic Dal Masala, 25 g

    €379 €151,60/kg
  • Bio Sitopaladi Churna, 100 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Sitopaladi Churna, 100 g

    €1490 €149,00/kg
  • Bio Vata Tee, 45 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Vata Tea, 45 g

    €699 €155,33/kg
  • Bio Ashwagandha Churna, 70 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Ashwagandha Churna, 70 g

    €1190 €170,00/kg

Gluten-free organic food: Natural enjoyment for your healthy lifestyle

Discover the diverse world of gluten-free organic foods that enable you to live a natural and healthy lifestyle. Our products are of the highest organic quality and are guaranteed to be gluten-free. They are ideal for you if you suffer from celiac disease, are gluten intolerant or simply want to eat a conscious and balanced diet.

What are gluten-free organic foods?

Gluten-free organic foods combine the benefits of a gluten-free diet with the strict guidelines of organic farming. They do not contain gluten, which is found in wheat, barley and rye, and are produced without the use of synthetic pesticides or genetic engineering. Our selection ranges from fresh fruit and vegetables to grain alternatives such as quinoa and millet to delicious baked goods and snacks.

Benefits of Gluten-Free Organic Food

  • Natural purity: Organically certified products are free from chemical additives and are grown according to strict ecological guidelines.
  • Safe for people with celiac disease: Guaranteed gluten-free to avoid digestive problems and health problems.
  • Sustainability: Organic products promote biodiversity and support environmentally friendly agriculture.
  • Nutrient-rich: Often higher in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants compared to conventionally grown foods.

Wide selection of gluten-free organic products

  • Gluten-free organic grains and pseudo-grains: Discover the variety of quinoa, amaranth and buckwheat.
  • Baked goods: From crispy bread mixes to cookies – all gluten-free and organic-certified.
  • Snacks: Enjoy without guilt with a wide selection of gluten-free organic bars, chips and more.
  • Ready meals: quick and healthy solutions for your everyday life – naturally gluten-free and organic.

Why choose gluten-free organic food?

A gluten-free diet can relieve digestive problems and improve your general well-being. Organic foods also have the advantage of being produced without harmful pesticides and artificial additives. Choose gluten-free organic products to promote your health while protecting the environment.

Browse through our extensive range and enjoy the pure taste of our gluten-free organic foods. Your health and the environment will thank you!

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