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Glutenfreie Bio-Lebensmittel

Gluten-free organic foods

Gluten-free organic foods offer you natural enjoyment without gluten and the highest organic quality. Ideal for a conscious diet and for those with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Discover our diverse selection for a healthy lifestyle.

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  • Bio Aceto di mele - Apfelessig naturtrüb, 500 ml - YOGISHOP


    Organic Aceto di mele - Apple Cider Vinegar naturally cloudy, 500 ml

    €299 €5,98/l
  • Bio Reisnudeln aus Thai-Reis, 250 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic rice noodles made from Thai rice, 250 g

    €399 €15,96/kg
  • Bio Shiro Miso, 300 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Shiro Miso, 300 g

    €999 €33,30/kg
  • Bio Olive verdi in salamoia, grüne Oliven in Salzlake, 310 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Olive verdi in salamoia, green olives in brine, 310 g

    €395 €23,24/kg
  • Bio schwarze Reisnudeln aus Thai-Reis, 250 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic black rice noodles made from Thai rice, 250 g

    €479 €19,16/kg
  • Bio Haferflocken Kleinblatt, glutenfrei, 475 g - YOGISHOP

    Bauck Hof

    Organic Oatmeal Small Leaf, Gluten Free, 475 g

    €299 €6,29/kg
  • Bio Salsa con melanzane brasate, Tomatensauce mit gerösteten Auberginen, 280 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Salsa con melanzane brasate, tomato sauce with roasted eggplant, 280 g

    €325 €11,61/kg
  • Bio Hof-Gemüse Rolands Rote Bete Meerrettich, 135 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Farm Vegetables Rolands Beetroot Horseradish, 135 g

    €279 €20,67/kg
  • Bio Brotaufstrich Streichs drauf Currika (rotes Curry - Paprika), 160 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Spread Spread Currika (red curry - paprika), 160 g

    €299 €18,69/kg
  • Bio Shirataki Spaghetti, Konjak-Nudeln, glutenfrei, 294 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Shirataki Spaghetti, Konjac Noodles, Gluten Free, 294 g

    €399 €26,60/kg
  • Bio Brotaufstrich "Torsten's Tomate Lauch", 135 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic spread "Torsten's Tomato Leek", 135 g

    €299 €22,15/kg
  • Bio Aprikosen süß, demeter, 250 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic sweet apricots, demeter, 250 g

    €649 €25,96/kg
  • Bio Tapioka-Stärke, 200 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Tapioca Starch, 200 g

    €339 €16,95/kg
  • Bio Spirelli - 100% Kichererbsen, 300 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Spirelli - 100% Chickpeas, 300 g

    €399 €13,30/kg
  • Bio Mild Curry Paste, 175 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Mild Curry Paste, 175 g

    €399 €22,80/kg
  • Bio Frucht pur Mango, 250 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Fruit Pure Mango, 250 g

    €399 €15,96/kg
  • Bio Gourmet Pastete Classico, 125g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Gourmet Pate Classico, 125g

    €299 €23,92/kg
  • Bio fix Thai Curry, 20,9 g - YOGISHOP

    Beltane biofix

    Bio fix Thai Curry, 20.9 g

    €199 €95,22/kg
  • Bio Brotaufstrich Streichs drauf Kürbi (Butternut-Kürbis - Ingwer), 160 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Spread Spread Pumpkin (Butternut Pumpkin - Ginger), 160 g

    €299 €18,69/kg
  • Bio Haselnussmus, 500 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Hazelnut Butter, 500 g

    €1349 €26,98/kg
  • Bio Pfeilwurzelstärke, 125 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Arrowroot Starch, 125 g

    €369 €29,52/kg
  • Bio Marmellata d´ arance, Orangen Marmelade, 220 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Marmellata d´ arance, Orange Marmalade, 220 g

    €295 €13,41/kg
  • Bio Tandoori Currypaste, 190 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic tandoori curry paste, 190 g

    €399 €21,00/kg
  • Bio Bonbon Mango-Orange, 75 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Mango-Orange Candy, 75 g

    €139 €18,53/kg

Gluten-free organic food: Natural enjoyment for your healthy lifestyle

Discover the diverse world of gluten-free organic foods that enable you to live a natural and healthy lifestyle. Our products are of the highest organic quality and are guaranteed to be gluten-free. They are ideal for you if you suffer from celiac disease, are gluten intolerant or simply want to eat a conscious and balanced diet.

What are gluten-free organic foods?

Gluten-free organic foods combine the benefits of a gluten-free diet with the strict guidelines of organic farming. They do not contain gluten, which is found in wheat, barley and rye, and are produced without the use of synthetic pesticides or genetic engineering. Our selection ranges from fresh fruit and vegetables to grain alternatives such as quinoa and millet to delicious baked goods and snacks.

Benefits of Gluten-Free Organic Food

  • Natural purity: Organically certified products are free from chemical additives and are grown according to strict ecological guidelines.
  • Safe for people with celiac disease: Guaranteed gluten-free to avoid digestive problems and health problems.
  • Sustainability: Organic products promote biodiversity and support environmentally friendly agriculture.
  • Nutrient-rich: Often higher in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants compared to conventionally grown foods.

Wide selection of gluten-free organic products

  • Gluten-free organic grains and pseudo-grains: Discover the variety of quinoa, amaranth and buckwheat.
  • Baked goods: From crispy bread mixes to cookies – all gluten-free and organic-certified.
  • Snacks: Enjoy without guilt with a wide selection of gluten-free organic bars, chips and more.
  • Ready meals: quick and healthy solutions for your everyday life – naturally gluten-free and organic.

Why choose gluten-free organic food?

A gluten-free diet can relieve digestive problems and improve your general well-being. Organic foods also have the advantage of being produced without harmful pesticides and artificial additives. Choose gluten-free organic products to promote your health while protecting the environment.

Browse through our extensive range and enjoy the pure taste of our gluten-free organic foods. Your health and the environment will thank you!

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