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Kräuter Tee

Herbal tea

Herbal tea is available in many different types and especially in organic quality.

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  • Bio Probier mal!, 34,4 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Try it!, 34.4 g

    €529 €167,94/kg
  • Bio Kräuterteemischung Zaubertrunk Btl., 20 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic herbal tea blend magic potion bottle, 20 g

    €379 €189,50/kg
  • Bio Kräuter Früchteteemischung Sonnige Grüße Btl., 45 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Herbal Fruit Tea Blend Sunny Greetings Btl., 45 g

    €399 €88,67/kg
  • Bio Basen Kräutertee, 18 Beutel, 27 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Base Herbal Tea, 18 bags, 27 g

    €429 €158,89/kg
  • Bio Pfefferminze Btl., 18 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Peppermint Bag, 18 g

    €399 €221,67/kg
  • Bio Grüntee Jasmin Btl., 20 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Green Tea Jasmine Bag, 20 g

    €399 €199,50/kg
  • Bio Guten Morgen-Tee lose, 50 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Good Morning Tea loose, 50 g

    €449 €89,80/kg
  • Bio Kräuterteemischung Glückstee lose, 50 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic herbal tea blend happiness tea loose, 50 g

    €419 €83,80/kg
  • Bio Salbei Tee lose, 50 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Sage Tea loose, 50 g

    €429 €85,80/kg
  • Bio Kräuterteemischung "Gute Laune" Btl., 27 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic herbal tea blend "Good Mood" bottle, 27 g

    €379 €140,37/kg
  • Bio Kräuterteemischung Basen lose, 50 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic herbal tea blend bases loose, 50 g

    €419 €83,80/kg
  • Bio Früchtetraum Teemischung Btl., 45 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Fruit Dream Tea Blend Bag, 45 g

    €379 €84,22/kg
  • Bio Dankeschön Kräuterteemischung Btl., 27 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Thank You Herbal Tea Blend Btl., 27 g

    €349 €129,26/kg
  • Bio Morgengruß Tee, 30 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Morning Greeting Tea, 30 g

    €279 €93,00/kg
  • Bio Glückstee Btl., 27 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Happiness Tea Bag, 27 g

    €379 €140,37/kg
  • Bio Abendtee lose, 50 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Evening Tea loose, 50 g

    €449 €89,80/kg
  • Bio Elefantenstarkes Bengelchen, Btl., 40 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Elephant-Strong Little Bengelchen, Bag, 40 g

    €379 €94,75/kg
  • Bio Ingwer Energie-Tee lose, 100 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Ginger Energy Tea loose, 100 g

    €449 €44,90/kg
  • Bio Kräuterteemischung Geburtstagstee Btl., 27 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Herbal Tea Blend Birthday Tea Bag, 27 g

    €349 €129,26/kg
  • Bio Hildegard Freier Atem-Tee Btl., 27 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Hildegard Free Breath Tea Bag, 27 g

    €379 €140,37/kg
  • Bio Ingwer-Gewürzteemischung Energie Btl., 30 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Ginger Spice Tea Blend Energy Btl., 30 g

    €379 €126,33/kg
  • Bio Mystischer-Hexentee lose, 40 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Mystical Witch Tea loose, 40 g

    €419 €104,75/kg
  • Bio Gewürzteemischung Ingwer-Zitrone Btl., 30 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic spice tea blend ginger-lemon bag, 30 g

    €349 €116,33/kg
  • Bio Salbeitee "Hildegard" Btl., 18 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic sage tea "Hildegard" bottle, 18 g

    €329 €164,50/kg

Herbal tea is often healthier than many other teas

As the name suggests , herbal teas are healthy types of tea made from a variety of herbs. Herbal teas are available in mixed versions or in so-called mono versions. The difference is simple: mixed herbal teas are made by mixing different organic herbs that go well together. This creates independent varieties that are intended for special applications, for example. A tea that is more of a calming tea is more likely to contain lavender or other ingredients that calm people down. Ginger teas, on the other hand, are known for giving more energy.

Buy herbal tea easily online

Herbal teas are now available from many manufacturers. Whether it's Rapunzel Naturkost , Sonnentor tea or Yogitee or Hari tea - what all of these teas have in common is that you can be sure of their organic origin. The particularly large tea manufacturers have missed out on various trends and the products are usually not comparable to those of special herbal tea manufacturers in terms of their ingredient concentration. The Internet has also made it much easier to buy herbal teas than was the case in drugstores or pharmacies. Often you have to resort to the standard products or you only get a few selected varieties.

The different herbs for a tea

Herbal tea itself is a very broad term. The best known and most popular herbal teas are based on ginger or lavender. Other herbs are often used to change the taste, for example to prevent the tea from becoming too bitter. Lemon balm, apple mint, amaranth and many other herbs can be found in popular herbal teas.

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